In furniture business since 1980, Nil Mobilya started its bed production in 2001.
Recently readjusted its business strategy by moving toward upper segments of the market, general manager of the company Mustafa Kulkul informed about his company.
On the activities of the company
The company has been a trader in the furniture business since 1980 it turned into a produces of furniture and beds afterwards. Presently, we both produce coaches, armchairs and beds. Our products are sold by about 150 dealers throughout the country. Number of distributors is increasing in line with growing demand. In our product portfolio there are 12 different mattresses including the classic and standard models and new products that have removable outfits made of variety of materials.
On export activities
We export our products to about twenty countries. Europe is our top market. Some of our products are sold to Middle Eastern and African countries, Egypt, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan. 20 % of the production is sold to export markets.. Last year was a year of stability in terms of sales. We especially try not to sell more, but to sell higher level of products. Volume of exports may have been down, but earnings were acceptable. We produce more specific products. It seems that the year 2015 will be the same. We have to act more carefully this year to play safe in the markets.
General assessment on the industry
Competition is growing in line with the expansion of markets. Models should be replaced faster than ever. This costs us more. A catalog may become obsoleted in six months. Customers want more variety and newer products. Some producers in Europe are still selling the same model for 30 years. Fabrics and patterns are changing fast. We should keep pace of these developments.