Investing on new machinery last period, the company now aims to expand through concept stores. ABC Furniture – Umit Coban, manager responsible for European markets, informed about his company and expansions.
Would you brief us about recent investments in production facility?
Several years ago ABC had invested to by up-to-date machinery for mattress production. Selected companies have the same machinery now we had in our factory of 85 thousand sqm, of which 20 thousand was reserved for mattress production. At the beginning we had been making bonell spring mattresses. Later we began to make pocket spring types, besides latex and visco kinds. We sell half of our production in abroad. Thus we bought presses and roll pack machinery, important for cost of exports. Earlier, only 70 mattresses of standard size can be put in a container, now we can put 250 to 400 mattresses in it. It saves us great in costs of transportation and storage points; it is also good for our buyers who sell our products.
Which countries are your products delivered and sold in how many stores in the country?
We have distributors in abroad, including Arabian and European countries. Our products are sold to customers in 20 countries. We have rather wide range of products in our portfolio to answer the changing needs of different countries. They and the mattresses we sold in the country are different in terms of their materials, colors and fabrics. We have been visiting fairs for years. In domestic market, our company sells to 300 stores that sell to end-users. There were some problems both in the country and in neighboring markets, however, we are hopeful that the year 2016 will be better then before. We want to establish sleep centers and to sell our products direct to the buyers in corner shops.
How do you develop your products?
We know how to produce. We continuously develop our products by watching and listening the market. We combine our ideas and experiences to meet the needs of market. We play as the markets. We study the demanded materials and types by the Europeans; we detect most selling types and offer them to the market. Once spring types are hot sold in Turkey, now European buyers have moved to bag springs. We spend most on outlook while they spend on comfort.
What are your final comments?
We did not renovate our machinery to produce cheap products. We have the least cost mattresses made of pure foams. But, there is no buyer for them because buyers demand for quality mattresses. Every product of us has a story. All fabrics we use are imported. You may see our products in several ABC sleep centers in the country. Our priority is to increase the number of centers in certain locations in Istanbul. People now believe in our mattresses, bases, fabrics and workmanship and our services.
#ABC, #Furniture, #MattressProduction, #Products, #Machinery, #UmitCoban, #ABCMobilya, #ABCFurniture, #SleepConcept